Friday, July 16, 2010

ABOUT FACE: stepping in the wrong direction

Today, i had a friend of mine that texted me stating: "have you heard this song saying, White girls are freakier that black women and that it was just depicting us like a sex toy?" I had to admit i had heard of it and have done nothing about it. I have tendency to sit back, as do the rest of my generation, and just say, "it is just music." Really is it just music, really or is it a social control or choke hold on our upcoming generation. I remember my mother always saying do not listen to that junk, they just putting women down; being young i felt as if my mother was disconnected to what my generation was really talking about at the time. The times they are a changing and i have had enough of the progressive TOM FOOLERY that is coming to be deemed as music. This pathetic attempt to make money by literally degrading, stereotyping, creating generalizations and plain crude lyrics is just sad. I watched a documentary on "Why we laugh in America: Black comedians and their sociological effect on society," it was very enlighten to help me look deeper at this festering sore that we are dealing with in society today. The Documentary basically stated all of the talented female and male comedians of African descent and how they influenced America at a time of Racial Divide. I mention this to say many of them would not sell out to saturate their society with hatred that the media Exec's wanted them to do. Case and point is Dave Chappelle, he would not allow himself to take 50 million dollars to continue on or change his comedy to influence young or impressionable minds. I commend him for such a noble act to preserve our heritage and create a more accountability for our actions as individuals in society. My god son and his friends just talk about girls as if they are just this sex toys that you can just grab when ready and if you dress a certain way then you should have them at your beckon call. The music and media of today sends the message to our generation that is okay to view women or even men as these inanimate objects; have we taken an ABOUT FACE, our we stepping in the wrong direction.

I want those who are educating our youth to, including myself cause i was guilty of it, discourage the listening or reading of such bitter diatribe. The educating must be all inclusive and not exclusive, we must steer away from our own personal interesting in order to protect all who are effected by these lyrics including preference of sexuality, race, religion and so forth. We can not limit no one person/persons rights for we infringe upon all of our own rights.
Next we must stop listening to the no sense our selves. I see grown women listening to a song say "they can look back at you, shove it down their throats," we must be the change in the world that we want to see (Ghandi). I vowing today to be more positive and more selective in the music i listen to. If we all take a stand against our artist and let them know it is not okay to sell out your family, your listeners because it is what the EXEC's say that is what is selling. I want Lil Wayne and T.I. to rethinking suggesting it is okay to Kill another human being because of the threats or statements they make or to detail how they perform cunnilingus ; if we as a society began to take back our morals then they have no choice but to honor our demands and conform, otherwise we will fail our daughters and sons of the future.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What is Beauty?

Welcome back, my faithful but few readers...Well today's topic is what is beauty? Beauty is a very ambiguous to some and to other quite plain and distinct. Society says that beauty is something or someone that is out of the ordinary and illuminates the room/area that is in their/its presence. I was once told i was so beauty in the way i had this helpless romantic side of me and my positive view on life. I must say that life has away of breaking us down to where you do not view your self as beauty anymore and nor do you even know what is beautiful anymore. Beauty has become a media concept to gain money from individuals who view the popular entertainment artist or hottest actor/actress in hollywood/modeling world's respectfully.


America sees beauty as young, toned, muscular/curvaceous but how about the worlds we belong to. For the upper elites it is a very tanned toned/slender fresh stressfree know the Paris Hilton's....this becomes almost a social stratification or demise depending on the look that individual achieves. The Middle class is a young healthy toned body with a look of sophistication. This is wear the stress begins to set in to achieve this state of beauty. Many diet constantly, work out all week and some even save for plastic surgery. The commercial's are riddled with all the products to keep you looking youthful and fresh...does it really achieve beauty or does it just help maintain the look that media says. The lower class does not usually occupy it self with the idea of beauty, funny thing is this is where you find the most beautiful people to ever exist. Theory behind this could be because beauty can not sculpture or shaped by media or even society. Beauty is a nature anomaly that occurs only when allowed to flourish.

To me beauty is you...your beautiful because you are an original masterpiece that has been given a chance to achieve what ever as long as you reach beyond your limitations and aspire to the highest peak you know. Beauty is something that can not be defined but beauty is something you can experience....they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder....I say true. Maybe i am just a dreamer...but i know i am not the only one...-John Lennon :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

INTERNET: Secrets of the Heart

The symbol you see here is the symbol used in human evolution. Lets begin our journey in the secrets of the Heart by experiencing the evolution of ones self.

I sure most can identify with me when I say, "I loved being young yet, I hated having to make the mistakes i made to get where i am now." I know many times life, as they say, throws us a curve ball; realize we hold our own destiny in our hands and must internalize that it is not merely life but actually, our lack of evolution in most cases. Hebert Spencer, Renowned sociologist, coined the term "Survival of the fittest" in a society setting. Later, Charles Darwin, joined on the theory by poses it from the biological point of view. I said all that to say, we must be able to evolve as person both physically and mentally, in order to survive.

Life may, in fact throw a curve ball, but you must have the eye to catch that turn in order to not faultier in your life. We can break up the metamorphism into two realms Mental and physical.

Physically, we must keep in shape (how ever you deem that to be, not by the portrayal of society) in order to maintain health and keep a mate in the world. Animals sometimes court by acts of aggression and must demonstrate that in order to get a mate. Humans are no different we must, stay fit to the eye of the beholder in whom we are trying to enrapture. Many, loose this fight due to the lack of discipline and quite frankly, lack of survival skills. WE MUST keep a fit and clean appearance to give ourselves any fight/chance in landing a mate. Some may say, "that is shallow, look at the heart of the person." I know that some may be superficial with the looks department but for the most part, relationships start in the eyes, the desire for that person. This is a proven and feel free to post responses to that. Let's look at the job world from the physically evolution, we must sometimes keep a strength or lean look to keep our various careers. A model, lean fit or plump and poised, and basketball strong yet, agile. Physically, the reason so many are depressed is the unwillingness to evolve and they do not survive...leading them to create a secret live mentally, to make up for the Physical defeat.

Our minds, very complex and usually evolves own its interactions and past experiences coupled with biological functions, we are the people in whom we create but what about when as a physical person we are not able to survive, do we create an alter secret life...INTERNET: Secrets of the Heart.
I believe that people in order to survive now create a secret life via the internet. Think about, a fat older man, can not create himself to be the younger fit person whom ever engages in conversation with him without evening evolving physically. This construction can be both healthy but also very dangerous to our society. Lets review the last 10 years, prior to the Computer boom and cell phone DATA usage era; we had to interact with society more on a Face to Face value. Now, that was excluding those mention earlier that are not willing to evolve. Now, since the creation of AOL chat, black planet, MySpace, Facebook and twitter, we are able to create a person that is whom we mentally envision or evolved to. This "secret" life is one we guard well and rarely reveal the true person to even our closest friends, Some times our own mates do not know we are this sex crazed Casanova). This life is own that i know i took a about a year to get too but i like to talk about.

The secrets of heart is basically a world we create in order to keep sane and maintain some form of survival in a world or reality that otherwise we would not be able to keep up. I have witnessed, and must confessed have indulged as well, people creating a person they are not in person. This false sense of security is creating a society of people whom would rather text you how they feel then meet you and tell you in person. The secret is do we really know how to anymore, or we loosing face value. Mayans predicted the world as we know it will come to an end, one can concur that it maybe just a world of gadgets and informal lives via the internet. Do we live our lives on internet, montoring everyones ever thought, every move, is that chaotic in a way. These secret lives we live and create may even, in fact, destory our current relationships for lack of attention given to your mates and even our selves. WE must keep these secret urges to a minimum and have to maintain face to face interactions in order to evolve both mentally and physically.

I understand this was my first blog and was very lengthy but would love to hear from you guys on your thoughts....the internet: a tool of communication or destroyer of world as we know it???

Fresh Start

Hello, my name is Jerome C. Motte better know as JMOTTE or JC. I am starting my blogging fresh. I have created two other blogs but was not successful in my attempts because it was due to my immaturity of writing and lack of time management. I am now more on top of keeping up with my own thoughts and would like to share with whom ever is willing to listen, be open minded and hopefully you will respond as well.

Little about my self, I am 31 years old, school teacher (9th-10th History), in Houston, TX. I am the eldest of 9 kids. I am of creole descent and very proud to be a gent de coloure. My hobbies consist of running, working out, reading, teaching(career also), movie watching, going out to dinner, and lastly, traveling for knowledge. I describe my self as very easy going, patient, loving, giving, loyal, trustworthy, clean cut, handsome, and lastly, sensitive.

The more i post daily, you will begin to see me as a person unfolding. I believe that you can not teach a person who you are; they MUST experience you.

Stay tuned to my insights and i will look forward to your responses...